Friday, February 27, 2009


Anonymous said...

* If they had paid attention to what happened when Great Britain Industrialized then they could have learned that it only leads to poor economy and loss of jobs. But because they didn’t pay attention, they also went through the same thing.
*Helping China out there would be less pollution in the world, but it would also mean helping out a competitor that could always turn on us and use it against us in any way. But because the world is running out of oil, that would be one way to reduce the use of it in other places.
*The only reason to help the competition would be because it is better for the world to have les oil usage. If we were to help them then we would have more oil ready in case needed. And there wouldn’t be as much pollution in the world which would really help our conditions.
*The united states should not be so dependant on foreign oil because if the country we are depending on decides that they don’t want to give us any oil any more than it will most likely end in war.
Chelsey Marnon

Anonymous said...

I think we should help the competition because in the future when there doing a lot better than us and we are not doing well at all with industries and technology, they can return a favor by helping us out.

For the sake of the planets health I think we should all America France Germany and all other European countries not make another mistake and or the same mistake Britain did and help out the poor and care for unhealthy people as much as we do for healthy people.

If either of these countries develop a new source of energy first it depends on if we were stingy or not , if we weren’t stingy and help and cared for any of the countries they would possibly 90% out of 100% share with us but if we didn’t share and been stingy they wouldn’t share 99% out of 100% so if we are nice in the beginning and they happen to have a new creation we have a good chance of getting part of that.

Devin Currie