Thursday, April 23, 2015

Blog #32 - French Revolution and the Enlightenment

The French  Revolution (1789-1815) was heavily influenced by the philosophes that we read about in Ch. 17 and the ideas of the Enlightenment.  Also, the American Revolution against the British monarchy and the subsequent American Constitution was extremely important to the leaders of the French Revolution. 

Some Enlightenment ideas that were used in the French Revolution were:
1. Natural rights - life, liberty, property
2. Equality for all men
3. Social Contract - government derives its power from the people, not God
4. Religious freedom
5. Separation of powers - executive, judicial, legislative
6. Written constitution
7. Voting for citizens (ability to pick their leaders)
8. Free speech, freedom of the press, freedom to assemble
9. Schools were improved, not dependent upon the Church

However, there were times, during all four stages of the French Revolution that some of these Enlightenment ideas were betrayed by the leaders (and mobs) of the French Revolution.  Explain in your answer how the Revolution both expanded the ideas of the Enlightenment and also betrayed those ideas.  

Due Monday, April 27 by the beginning of our class period.  250 words minimum.